ENRICO FERMI (1901- 54)

1942 – USA

Fermi established his reputation with his concept of radioactive beta decay, the theory that a proton could be created from a neutron via the shedding of an electron (a beta particle) and an antineutrino.

The Joliot-Curies had announced their discovery that radioactive isotopes could be generated artificially by showering certain elements with alpha particles in 1934. Fermi realised that the newly discovered neutrons would be even better suited to this purpose as their lack of charge would allow them to slip into elements’ nuclei without resistance.

Fission chain reaction

Fission chain reaction

Fermi established the concept of ‘slow-neutrons’ by placing a piece of solid paraffin in front of the target element during bombardment. Working his way through the elements he created a number of new radioactive isotopes.

He was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize for physics and later the significance of his work when applied to uranium was realised. Using his neutron-bombarding technique in a series of experiments with 235uranium, Fermi and NIELS BOHR confirmed that a nuclear chain reaction could almost certainly be created as the basis of an atomic bomb.

By Dec 2 1942 his team had created an ‘atomic pile’ of graphite blocks, drilled with uranium, which went on to produce a self-sustaining chain reaction for nearly half an hour.

picture of the Nobel medal - link to nobelprize.org

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